Interested in organizing TBTN? We meet every Wednesday at 8pm in Diana 501 to discuss and plan our events. Email the group coordinators at for more info.
Bring your friends, organization, sports team, fraternity/sorority, etc. to the March and Speakout! Don't forget to bring signs demonstrating your support. Attend events like Sexhibition, Clothesline, and Bar Night to educate yourself about the issue.
Columbia is home to a variety of active groups on campus allied with TBTN, include the Rape Crisis/Anti-Violence Support Center, Sexual Violence Response, the Vagina Monologues, AllSex, Stressbusters, Well-Woman, Nightline, the Columbia Queer Alliance, GendeRevolution, ClubQ, and more. We encourage all students to reach out to these groups if they are looking for resources, support, and active, engaged communities on campus.
Email us at
Follow us on Instagram (@cu_tbtn)